Aah! Outpass, the saviour of saviours. Weekly Outpass was our ‘liberation’ from the hell called ‘OTS’. This was the only thing we all looked forward to. This was an outing when we could walk freely, talk freely, abuse freely, eat freely and the best of all ogle freely at whatever girl material was available in the area. No one to watch us, no one to monitor our moves, though a couple of times some of the GCs did land themselves into deep trouble by either behaving too casually with the Directing Staff or even asking for a lift back to the School when they came across any DS in the market area. This happened as the lost GCs were unable to recognize the DS in civvies and thus failed to distinguish between friend and foe. In the academy, IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) is an important skill and those not paying sufficient heed to this important aspect do so at their own peril.
"The bow cannot always stand bent, nor can human frailty subsist without some lawful recreation."
Miguel De Cervantes
SS 34
Keeping in touch keeps friendship growing